
Sustainable Gardening


Protecting Nature's Resources, one step at a time


One of the main conservation goals of the GC of Orange and Dutchess Counties (and GCA of course) is conservation of biodiversity. One of the mechanisms to achieve this is through creating/expanding native plant patches on our properties which is in alignment with The Pollinator Pathway concept, the Homegrown National Park idea and the Healthy Yard Pledge. Our monthly conservation exhibits have been related to this.

Our monthly conservation exhibits are designed to engage all members of O and D and provide opportunities to personally contribute to conservation.

Creating native plant habitat is just one of our on-going projects. Our current focus is to get youth groups involved. We will continue with the theme of biodiversity conservation by promoting native plants -- which will have a cascading effect and lead to conservation of other creatures like birds and insects. This year we will add collaborations with youth groups from the Orange and Dutchess areas.

This is in alignment with the GCA Native Plant Position Paper which says: “Support educational programs to increase awareness of the need to protect native plants and promote their use by landscapers and home gardeners”. And, as a reminder of the conservation committee mission statement: “The purpose of the Conservation Committee is to keep the GCA membership well informed on current conservation issues; to promote respect for natural resources and responsibility for environmental stewardship; to encourage clubs to identify and carry out conservation work locally; to provide environmental education programs for youth and the general public; and with the Executive Board's approval, to work with other conservation agencies and organizations whose programs complement those of The Garden Club of America “.

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